“Awareness is not something you find, it’s something you create”

Supervision is a process for professionals working with others to maintain and increase their coping and work capacity!

Supervision is intended for professionals who encounter many other people in their work and work for the benefit of others: for example, customer service representatives, psychologists, counselors, coaches, trainers, teachers, mentors, managers and company leaders, therapists, specialists in various fields who focus on assisting and supporting others.

Supervision helps prevent burnout at the workplace, maintain mental health, and enhance work capacity across different positions, whether as a specialist, leader, or team.

Supervision is a systematic process focused on a specific person/team with work-related tasks, roles, and behaviors. It involves reflecting on and analyzing how work affects them, their clients, and their relationships within the team and the organization. Supervision highlights work-related development opportunities and is an excellent way to learn, develop professional skills, and increase awareness in people who work for the benefit of others! 

In supervision, we focus on your perspective on your clients, team, organization, or parties related to your work. Metaphorically speaking, your client or other party is always in the same “room” with us.

Key themes and focuses that emerge in supervision:

  • Work-related situations and challenges
  • Relationships with colleagues, clients, and other partners
  • Collaboration at different levels
  • Creating clarity in work-related roles and tasks
  • Clarity in one’s work identity, values, and professionalism
  • Emotional awareness
  • Analysis of one’s behavior and its impact on other people
  • Finding motivating goals within oneself, the team, the group, or the organization
  • Raising awareness of one’s capabilities, problems, and motivators
  • Analysis and mapping of conflicts, creating mutual understanding, and initiating and implementing changes
  • Increasing a sense of collegial unity and facilitating experiential learning

Individual supervision

“Not everything has to be perfect to be great!”

In individual supervision, we elevate your team's capability and performance by incorporating shared values. We focus on you as a professional in your field: your work-related behavior, professionalism, and discussion of various cases.

For whom:
  • Professionals: specialists and leaders who work with other people.
  • Anyone who wishes to develop themselves, increase their work-related coping and work capacity, create more excellent balance, and gain satisfaction from their work.
In individual supervision, you can:
  • Focus on yourself, your role, and work-related challenges
  • Increase understanding of how your values, basic needs, or work-related goals affect your work performance
  • Make sense of your behavior and that of others and its impact on you and others
  • Analyze work-related challenges related to colleagues, teams, clients, or other work-related relationships
  • Reflect and make sense of bottlenecks and obstacles that emerge in work situations
  • Learn from experience and improve your work performance
Timeframe and conditions:
  • 6-12 months
  • Meeting frequency every 3-5 weeks
  • Free “chemistry” meeting
  • The client has the desire and will to contribute to the journey and knows that they, themselves, create the results and changes.

Group or team

“If you want real change, you need to stay with discomfort.”

The focus of group or team supervision is on the work and coping capabilities of the participants, their impact on clients, and results.

We create a trustworthy environment where participants can collectively analyze various work-related situations, learn from each other's experiences, and enhance their work and coping capabilities in different work situations by getting reflections, ideas, and encouragement from other participants. Seeing each other's similar challenges increases confidence, commitment, and the will to continue acting.

For whom:
  • A group of people working in the same field or position
  • Leadership teams, executive groups
  • Unit or project teams
  • Heads of departments and divisions
  • Groups or teams of specialists in the same profession
  • Company teams
  • Quality time “here and now.”
  • Discovering new ideas and thoughts through group processes
  • Creating better work relationships and communication
  • Increasing self-awareness and conscious self-management
  • Enhancing work capacity and performance
  • Implementing desired changes
  • Professional development and skill enhancement
Topics and focuses of group or team supervision:
  • Maintaining work motivation and preventing burnout
  • Managing workload and performance
  • Solving and analyzing work cases
  • Relationships and roles within the team, with clients, or partners
  • Making sense of individual work through group processes
  • Raising and maintaining psychological safety in the team/group
  • Increasing emotional awareness
Timeframe and conditions:
  • 6-12 months
  • Meetings every 3-5 weeks
  • The first preliminary meeting with the client is free.
  • The team and group have a common desire and will to contribute to the journey, and they know that the participants of supervision themselves create results and changes.


“The water is always deeper than it reflects”

Coaching Supervision is for coaches who wish to develop themselves professionally, improve their work quality, and adhere to internationally set ethical codes and competencies.

According to the definition by ICF (International Coaching Federation), Coaching Supervision is an interaction that occurs when a coach regularly brings their coaching work experience to a coaching supervisor to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the coach and their client's development and benefit.

For whom:
  • For coaches who wish to maintain and enhance their professional style and quality.
  • Coaches wishing to apply for the Team Coaching Certificate (ACTC) must undergo 5 hours of coaching supervision as one of the prerequisites (see here).
  • Professional development and growth
  • Learning from work experience
  • Focusing on competencies and work quality
  • An outsider’s perspective that notices patterns invisible to you
During Coaching Supervision, the focus can be on the following topics:
  • Understanding competency requirements and ethical dilemmas about coach-client-sponsor;
  • Focusing on and reflecting on one’s work with clients;
  • Increasing self-awareness and conscious self-management;
  • Deepening knowledge of why something did or did not happen in the process between coach and client;
  • Analyzing feelings/emotions that emerged during work;
  • Creating clarity about oneself, roles, responsibilities, and objectives through experiential learning;
  • Supporting and enhancing one’s psychological and mental capacity;
  • Experimenting with new ideas and skills;
  • Analyzing the impact of personal life on your professional life;
  • Dealing with parallel processes, boundaries, and role issues.
Timeframe and conditions:
  • First meeting free
  • International associations like ANSE, ICF, EMCC, etc., recommend that full-time professional coaches participate in supervision for at least 1 hour for every 35 hours of coaching, at least four times a year.
  • The coach has the desire and will to invest in their professional development and knows that they create the results and changes.

Contact me and we will design the most suitable development journey for you.

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