Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their views cannot change anything
G. B. Shaw

Change can occur at the most conceptual levels of organizations (mindset or culture) or in the context of the narrowest and most concrete (technical tool or human work task) organizational change levels.

We initiate, manage, and implement change locally, with a larger team or group acting in unison. Change can start from top management or middle level in an organization.

When starting a change, one should understand its nature, which helps to choose tools and resources needed by the organization, determine how much it can affect the organization’s performance, and create a more straightforward strategy and action plan for implementing the change.

It is also essential to understand the impact of the change and who needs to be involved in its implementation.

As it may initially seem, based on the types and levels of changes, top-down changes made at the organizational level have a more significant impact. Still, if, for example, cooperation in the organization does not work and values ​​and behavioral norms have not been agreed upon at the individual and team level, it is tough to implement strategic changes.

The amount of resistance and willingness to change depends on the individual's belief whether:

managers can implement the planned changes (i.e., the specific effectiveness of the changes);
the proposed change is suitable for the organization (i.e., suitability of the change);
managers are committed to the proposed change (i.e., management support) and
the change is beneficial to the members of the organization (i.e., personal valence)
Studies have shown that 70% of changes fail. Why? What are the main factors supporting and hindering the implementation of changes?

Implementation of the change

Hindering factors
Supportive factors
Hindering factors
The necessity of change, lack of adaptability, negative emotions, resistance, fear, and the fear of failure and losing control.
Supportive factors
Creating a sense of security, the ability to understand change, involving employees at every stage, awareness of the need for change, and openness to change.
Hindering factors
Inadequate educational preparation, high workload, low productivity, distrust towards leaders.
Supportive factors
Shared experiences, similar mindset, clarity of work tasks, roles and responsibilities, job satisfaction, commitment, collaboration, training, and providing feedback.
Hindering factors
Low productivity, insufficient competence, lack of strategy and plan for implementing change, fear of losing control.
Supportive factors
Shared value space, leadership competence, proactive and authentic leadership, reliability, belief, creating desire, effective communication, consistent analysis and action.

Therefore, essential keywords in implementing changes are

Readiness for change
Determination and consistency

How can we successfully implement changes
and get the team in the "boat" of
implementing changes in common breath?

How can I be useful?
  • Let’s map out the purpose of the change 
  • We clarify what change or goal we are addressing and what it will be like once the outcome is achieved. 
  • We analyze the readiness of individuals, the team, and the organization for changes. We increase understanding within the team of the necessity and benefits of the change for each individual, team, and organization. 
  • We create an action plan for implementing changes. 
  • We compile a development path to support and implement the changes. I support the leader and team in implementing the changes. 
  • Together, we summarize the experience and celebrate the victories.

In this process, we base ourselves on three main models: Robert Dilts Logical Levels of Change, McKinsey 7S Change Implementation, and ADKAR Change Management models.

To whom:
  • For leaders, teams, and organizations who want to involve an external and neutral development partner in the implementation of changes, which will support the manager and the team in the initiation, implementation, and implementation of changes
  • Creating clarity about the need for change and making sense of activities
  • An understanding of the readiness of the employees, team, and organization
  • A well-thought-out plan for implementing the change
  • A consistent process that supports sustainable implementation
  • Raises the team’s baggage of knowledge and skills to cope with changes
  • It helps increase the team’s ability to manage the change process
  • Increases trust, cooperation, and commitment within the team to implement change
  • A neutral development partner highlights blind spots that remain unnoticed
Time & Conditions:
  • Free pre-meeting to map the exact need and goal, get to know each other, and explain the principles of cooperation
  • The duration, time frame, and price of cooperation depend on the change’s scope, purpose, and need.
  • Managers themselves actively participate in all processes related to the team and are aware that fundamental changes are implemented by managers and the team together outside of meetings with the partner.

Leaders & teams feedback

"There was such a sense of camaraderie, thanks to which it was much easier for us to implement this change."
"We tended to get lost in the details ourselves, but through his questions and methods, the coach constantly introduced new perspectives for us and helped us keep the big picture."
"We started managing our work processes more consciously and saving time."
“I realized that we made an elephant out of a mosquito, and this so-called elephant can be eaten one bite at a time. The fear of workload and overwork disappeared."
"People who opposed the change started to think alone and cooperate."
“I understood what my team needed and how to support them better.”

Involving the team increases commitment to implementing changes!

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