Digitalized Coaching Cards

Digitalized Coaching Cards are creative inspirational tools created especially for professionals and leaders who work and develop people from distance. Doesn’t matter if it is Zoom/Teams meeting, 1to1 conversation, inspirational webinar, live FB training, coaching or supervision session!

If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small!
R. Brandson
Adaption, changes, leading and communication from distance are new key words in our work processes and constantly changing world.

Benefits of Digitalized Coaching Cards:

You can use cards from distance in different live channels (Zoom, Teams, Skype, etc)
Interactive pdf format allows you to show cards all in 1 or each card one by one
Your client, employee, discussion partner or live session participant can choose their own cards
Regardless of location your viewers see cards same time with you even if you are at home
You can share pdf file working with individuals or groups
Buy from e-shop
For what to use cards?
Finding new ideas and solutions
To increase motivation
To get more inspiration
To support implementation of changes
To overcome obstacles
To discover new opportunities
To grow self-awareness
To achieve the goals
Coaching cards are create tools for:
HR teams

60 interactive photos and 2 white cards for finding new ideas and resources

Interactive pdf format allows working from distance without leaving home

Digitalized Coaching cards are forbidden to share with third parties. Ignoring those terms are punishable by law.

After paying your invoice pdf file will be sent to your email.

Clients feedback

Eidi Aidla, Experience consultant:

I use cards in my consulting sessions pretty often. In most cases, they help to build a first relationship of trust if the customer is very native and does not feel safe when making the first contact. The results are particularly good among younger people. For older customers, the cards work when a relationship of trust has already been established and at some point, they "run out". I use cards in very different ways. Through them, people can express their feelings, recognize them and notice them better. The pictures are eloquent and at the same time each person has their own story, i.e. they are neutral enough. I have recommended them to colleagues and the maps have found a place in my toolbox.

EAS and Visit Estonia leadership training feedback:

Jaanika is a charismatic and energetic trainer who can keep the group active and engaged even during the most challenging moments. Her strong and vibrant nature, lively energy, and the way she posed relevant questions motivated the participants and encouraged deeper thinking. Jaanika excelled at leading and reading people, adjusting the training content according to the group’s needs. She is systematic and results-oriented, relating real-life examples to the training material. Participants appreciated her quick responses, sense of humor, and positive attitude. Jaanika instilled trust and open communication among the participants, making the training experience memorable and practical.

Kas soovid olla tõhusam, tegusam ja rahuolevam oma töös?
Siis on E-koolitus „Kuidas hoida ja tõsta oma töö- ja toimetulekuvõimet”  just Sulle!
MEGAPAKKUMINE- vaid 49 eurot (tavahind 129)
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