Working experience

As coach and trainer

– I have conducted over 1000 classroom and 100 online training sessions for 6000 participants.

Over 1800 hours of coaching sessions for leaders and their teams

25 years of work experience intertwined with various fields:

  • 20+ years of leadership experience and working with diverse people from different nationalities and countries.
  • 20 years as an entrepreneur, experiencing both the peak of economic success and the challenges and burnout that accompany financial crises
  • 15+ years of experience as a trainer, which has enriched my worldview and value space.
  • 6 years as a sales manager in the cosmetics world, in hospitality, and as the executive director leading a guild of artisans
  • 4 years as a trainer and as the Training Manager for the Baltics at the world’s leading direct sales cosmetics company

My working principles

Courage and Authenticity

The courage to remain faithful to oneself in one’s work and, through self-reflection, openly and authentically reflect what I notice in a person, their work, team, or organization.

“The brave are never silent when times are tough.”

Systematic Approach and Thoroughness

From the first conversation to summarizing outcomes, I am dedicated to mapping out the client’s needs and achieving their goals.

“Hard in training, easy in battle”

Appreciative and Empathetic View

I believe every person has all the resources they need; sometimes, we need a supportive and empathetic observer to help discover those within!

“Joy begins with gratitude!”

Professionalism and Quality

Adherence to agreements, dedication to the goal, giving one’s best at every moment, respecting others’ work, and following professional ethics are my quality measures.

“Quality is not an act, but a habit!” – Aristotle

My toolbox

  • I am skilled in coaching and supervision techniques at the individual, group, and team levels.
  • I work across sectors with teams and organizations of various sizes.
  • I value a value-based and people-centered leadership culture and a holistic approach. A person is a whole, and our holistic nature affects us at work and leisure time.
  • I value an appreciative perspective, solution-focused, systemic, and transformative coaching methodologies and approaches in coaching.
  • In supervision, I respect the principles of reflective supervision and use elements of NLP, Gestalt, psychodrama, mapping, and constellations in my work.
  • My trainings are interactive, adhering to the rule: 30% theory, 70% practice, and experiential learning. For this, I use individual and group exercises, learning from case studies, discussions, creative active learning, and coaching methods.

I connect scientific, evidence-based, and practical real-life examples in every process.

How do I work?


The first meeting is always free. In this meeting, I explore and map your or your team’s needs, conditions, existing knowledge and experiences, possible areas for development, and opportunities to enhance capabilities. I always ask clients what they expect from the collaboration, what our goal and desired outcome will be, and what it will be like when we have completed the journey. We set possible metrics based on which we can review and measure the effectiveness of the collaboration. The purpose of the preliminary meeting is also to get to know each other and determine whether our “chemistry” matches and if I am indeed the right partner for this development journey.


Then, I make an initial content and price offer. If necessary, we refine, adjust, and target more precisely. We design the program to fit and remain flexible, as it is common for things to change along the journey, with new ideas and goals emerging that we can smoothly adjust in the program, change the order of topics if necessary, or replace them with significant new themes. We formalize personalized collaboration agreements and conditions. For more extensive and comprehensive programs, I involve excellent colleagues as needed if topics need to be added to my toolbox.


During planning, we carry out the agreed preliminary work associated with the specific order: interviews, questionnaires, set a schedule for the entire program, the client finds suitable rooms, dates are booked well in advance in employees’ calendars, and we clarify essential details to ensure the journey is successful.


Implementing is significantly more manageable because we have followed the old wisdom of “hard in training, easy in battle.” Now, we follow the path we have set together, communicate directly before meetings to clarify the situation and topics as needed, and possibly make intermediate summaries to see where we are, if we are on the right track, or if we need to change course or pace.

5Measure and celebrate

In measurement and feedback, we are committed to the expected outcomes and goals set at the beginning of the journey. According to the agreement, we conduct a feedback survey or a meeting with the team. Still, we always conclude the collaboration by meeting with the client to learn from the journey together and also celebrate the success.

An inspired, conscious, bright-eyed, and goal-oriented client is the best result.

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