"Hold the vision. Trust the process."

Coaching aims to create an environment and dialogue where an individual/team can discover new opportunities and overcome obstacles to achieve their goals, enhance their capabilities, and arrive at solutions and outcomes that bring joy and satisfaction from their achievements.

Coaching is a long-term journey, not a sprint, that supports development, the implementation of changes, and the achievement of goals through discovering and maximizing potential.

A coach is not a mentor, expert, trainer, or advisor but a neutral partner who supports, believes in, and trusts the client on their journey to achieving their chosen goals.

Coaching can only work if the client is ready to participate in the process and wants to implement changes, achieve goals, grow, and learn on their journey.


"When you replace judgment with curiosity, everything changes."
R. Conley Downs

Individual coaching is a process where the focus is on you - your expectations and needs, work and workplace, development desires, and goals.

For whom:
  • To everyone who wishes to develop themselves, be more capable and satisfied in their work, set goals more effectively, achieve them, and implement desired changes.
In individual coaching, you can:
  • Choose topics, focuses, and goals that suit you
  • Discover strengths, obstacles, and opportunities on your path
  • Increase self-awareness, capability, and satisfaction with your achievements
  • Create and strengthen consistent processes and action plans for achieving goals
  • Implement changes within yourself and around you
  • Time dedicated solely to you
  • Creating clarity and setting new goals
  • Making sense of work and activities
  • Raising self-development and awareness
  • Creating change
  • An outsider’s perspective that sometimes notices what you do not
Timeframe and conditions:
  • 60-90 minute meetings
  • 6-12 meetings over 6-12 months
  • Meeting frequency every 3-5 weeks
  • A free “chemistry” meeting followed by a personalized offer
  • The client desires and will to contribute to the journey and knows they create the results and change themselves.

Leadership coaching

„When the Why is clear, the How is easy.“

In leadership coaching, I serve as your conversation partner in enhancing your leadership quality, achieving development goals, and implementing changes both within yourself and externally.

This process supports self-analysis as a leader to understand oneself in one's role, whether as a department head, team leader, or company executive, set goals and activities, develop leadership skills and style, and find solutions to work-related issues.

For whom:
  • CEOs
  • Team leaders
  • Business owners
  • Department and division heads
  • Leaders who work for the benefit of others
  • PS! I recommend mentorship for new leaders.
  • Time dedicated solely to you
  • Increased self-awareness and more effective self-management
  • Clearer targets and objectives
  • Improved leadership quality and more excellent leadership capability
  • A more precise and more confident leadership style
  • Expanded set of competencies
  • An outsider’s perspective that sometimes notices what you do not
In leadership coaching, you can:
  • Choose topics, focuses, and expected outcomes that suit you
  • Focus on self-development, changes, or goals
  • Enhance leadership capability and competencies
  • Improve your emotional management skills
  • Reflect on your leadership role, boundaries, and responsibilities
  • Discover strengths, blind spots, and opportunities on your path
  • Create and strengthen consistent processes and action plans for achieving goals
  • Increase job satisfaction
Timeframe and conditions:
  • 60-90 minute meetings
  • 6-12 meetings over 6-12 months
  • Meeting frequency every 3-5 weeks
  • A free “chemistry” meeting followed by the creation of a personalized offer
  • The client desires and will invest in their journey and knows they create the results and changes.

Team coaching

The strength of the team is each member. The strength of each member is the team.
Phil Jackson

Team coaching focuses on the team and the team's goal. The role of a team coach is to create an environment where the team can, through collective dialogue and faster development, find the best opportunities, reduce obstacles, and collectively set change goals and achieve them with an increased sense of unity.

For whom:
  • Company leadership teams
  • Departmental teams
  • Unit or project teams
  • Heads of departments and divisions
  • Leaders who work with others for their benefit
In team coaching, the team can:
  • Choose and agree on coaching topics, focuses, and goals
  • Create clarity about their own and other team member’s roles, responsibilities, and objectives
  • Support and increase psychological safety within the team
  • Grow emotional awareness within the team and learn to manage one’s own emotions better and support others
  • Discover new ideas and thoughts and untapped resources
  • Improve relationships and communication, notice each other’s behavior and its impact
  • Become more aware of their own and the team’s needs, expectations, strengths, and development opportunities
  • Enhance cooperation and effectiveness
  • Quality time for the team “here and now.”
  • Increased trust, mutual understanding, and sense of belonging
  • Helps create a common and clear understanding of goals, vision, and development
  • Enhances collective effectiveness through dynamic activities
  • Increased team engagement, personal accountability, and collaboration
  • Growing knowledge of each other’s expectations, needs, and values
  • Synergy that facilitates the finding of new ideas and solutions
  • Increased satisfaction in serving organizational goals
Timeframe and conditions:
  • 3-4 hour sessions (astronomical hours)
  • 6-12 meetings over 6-12 months
  • Meeting frequency every 3-5 weeks
  • Free preliminary meeting with the client for needs assessment and personalized offer creation
  • Conducting a pre-questionnaire or meetings with the team
  • The team has a common desire and will to contribute to the journey and knows that the team members themselves create results and changes in real life.

Group coaching

“You can´t go back and change the beginning but can start where you are and change the ending.“
C.S. Lewis

Group coaching is for professionals in similar fields or positions or facing similar changes. They can learn and inspire from each other experiences to support individual growth, development, and goals.

  • Quality “here and now” time
  • A broader perspective and the joy of discovering the actions of other similar professionals
  • Increased confidence, commitment, and work capacity
  • Multiple outsider perspectives that help uncover previously unnoticed aspects
In group coaching, you can:
  • Learn from each other’s experiences.
  • Analyze your daily work, challenges, and questions using the resources of group members.
  • Through the reflections, feedback, and experiences of others, create clarity about yourself, roles, responsibilities, and objectives.
  • Support and enhance your psychological and mental capacity
  • Gain inspiration and ideas on how to act differently.
  • Increase your work effectiveness.
Timeframe and conditions:
  • 3-4 hour sessions (astronomical hours)
  • 6-12 meetings over 6-12 months
  • Group size of 4-12 people
  • Meeting frequency every 3-5 weeks
  • A free preliminary meeting with the client for needs assessment and personalized offer creation
  • The client has the desire and will to invest in the journey and knows that they create the results and changes.
  • In group coaching, members collectively set the coaching focuses, topics they wish to concentrate on, and the benefits they aim to gain from the process.

Contact me and we will design the most suitable development journey for you.

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