Human-centered leadership creates a better life for all!

Are you ready to enhance your leadership capabilities and promote a team collaboration and growth?

Together, we can find ways to improve leadership quality and unlock the full potential of your team to create positive changes in the organization.

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Jaanika Rannula

Thank you for visiting!

I am Jaanika Rannula, a certified coach, supervisor, and management trainer for teams and leaders with 20 years of international management experience.

My mission is to increase awareness of human behavior and its impact so that by acting more wisely, job satisfaction and effectiveness in organizations can grow!

To achieve this, I develop need-based development programs tailored to the client’s specific situation, expectations, and objectives.

I sincerely believe that every person has all the resources they need; sometimes, what’s needed is just a benevolent, appreciative, and solution-focused observer’s perspective to discover all the wealth hidden within!

I invite you and your team on a journey of development and change that will create an effective, balanced, and fulfilling life for you!

Stand UP, enjoy the day & get WISEr!

My services

Coaching helps to get feedback, analyze actions, overcome obstacles, find new solutions, increase capacity, set new goals, make changes, and achieve expected outcomes.
Leadership development
We elevate leadership quality to a new level: We design and develop a people-centered, value-based, inclusive, and developmental management culture and processes, and enhance organizational performance and employee satisfaction.
Supervision is for professionals who work with other people. Supervision helps prevent burnout at the workplace, maintain mental health, learn and develop professional skills, and increase work capacity.
Together, we boost your team's capability and performance: we implement shared values, foster good relationships and communication, create clear roles and objectives, and design more effective activities and routines.
In-company trainings
I create diverse, inspiring, and practical development and training programs tailored to the goals and needs of the team and organization to support strategic objectives.
Change management
We create and implement effective processes for initiating and implementing changes, which increase the willingness, involvement, and collaboration of leaders and teams for effective change execution.

What we create?


By increasing awareness of who you are and your team: what are the basic needs of you and your team; which values and beliefs influence behavior and actions; how the natural strengths, roles, and functions of individuals support or hinder work performance and cooperation, the more skillfully we implement necessary changes.


We can set more precise, motivating, and achievable goals with increased awareness and create activities and processes that help boost effectiveness. Thanks to more efficient action, higher awareness, and motivation, commitment grows, and the desire to collaborate for effectiveness increases.


Greater awareness and effectiveness contribute to creating balance, which helps better manage workload and prevent burnout, thereby increasing work capacity, better managing emotions, avoiding and reducing misunderstandings and conflicts both within oneself and around others, supporting mental and physical health, and creating a supportive work environment based on shared values

Fulfilling life

Thanks to the previous three steps, you feel greater satisfaction and joy in your work because the effectiveness of you, your team, and your organization has increased. You have balanced work and personal life and built better relationships, allowing you to create and live a fulfilling life!

Maimu Saska
OIXIO Digital AS, HR Manager

OIXIO Digital had the goal of standardizing the management style and quality of people management across different management levels.

OIXIO Digital had the goal of standardizing the management style and quality of people management across different management levels. To address this, we enlisted the help of Jaanika Rannula, who designed a leadership development program tailored to our company’s needs. During the training program, we covered all key topics in people management as a unified team, from motivation and goal setting to feedback and conflict resolution. Under the trainer’s guidance, we experimented with various techniques and tools, ranging from the simple stop-continue-start traffic light method to peer coaching and the world café. We selected the ones that best suited our company and leaders. The best outcome was that, for the first time as a unified leadership team, we articulated the kind of people management experience every one of our employees deserves, and our company needs. However, what leaders appreciated most was the realization that, regardless of management level or the leader’s own experience, challenges in people management are constantly recurring, and sharing experiences among leaders is the best support for any leader. Thank you, Jaanika Rannula!

Maris Viires
Helmes AS, Head of HR in Estonia. Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding Lead

The coaching foundation at Helmes has been established many years ago.

The coaching foundation at Helmes has been established many years ago. Today, we have built a strong network of arguably the best coaches in Estonia, and Jaanika is one of them. Just as every person brings their uniqueness, the same can be said about Jaanika. Her immense creativity, keen business sense, systematic thinking, and process modeling have helped many leaders and specialists. Within our company, I have recommended Jaanika to those who are ready to work on themselves seriously. Everyone who has embarked on a journey with her has, in my eyes, undergone a visible transformation – it’s admirable.

Jaanika Oja
Sales Manager, Avon Eesti OÜ

Jaanika, as a trainer, is always highly motivating, positive, and energetic.

Jaanika, as a trainer, is always highly motivating, positive, and energetic. The trainings are very interestingly structured. Even if you’ve participated in the same training several times, it’s always exciting and different from the previous one. The training gives you a lot of inspiration, ideas, skills, and motivation. The training always includes exciting role-playing games and “icebreakers.” She is very good at engaging the trainees and making the day exciting.

Why choose Jaanika’s training? Because the inspiration, motivation, and energy you get from there will stay with you for a long time, and thanks to that, you will also be more successful.

Margus Nõlvak
Chairman of the Board of Forus Group (current CEO of Tele2)

We participated in a development program aimed at increasing teamwork among leaders.

“We participated in a development program aimed at increasing teamwork among leaders. As we strive to implement several significant changes, the entire team must breathe in unison. Having completed all the training modules, we can confidently say that our goal was achieved, and our team’s managerial toolbox has been enriched with several essential instruments.

We are now aware of each other’s individual strengths and know how to use them to achieve our goals skillfully. We want to thank our guides – Jaanika and Ailit, whose dynamic energy made the entire program enjoyable and whose practical advice gave us extra courage to face significant challenges.”

Ruth Selirand
Ursus OÜ (now AS Storit)

After the first sessions with Jaanika, there was noticeable enthusiasm and clarification of thoughts among the department heads.

After the first sessions with Jaanika, there was noticeable enthusiasm and clarification of thoughts among the department heads. Various exciting activities inspired internal and inter-team cooperation – both regular and one-time. The challenge of change is perhaps even more complicated now, as the surrounding fear of contracting the coronavirus doesn’t easily allow for the creation of synergy through gatherings – it requires being more creative in planning activities. I believe that coaching for leaders has nicely managed this challenge, helping them understand the importance of their role in implementing changes. I have used Jaanika’s help for over a year now, and we are delighted – it’s not hard to give a rating of 7 on a scale of 1-7, as it has been of great strength and benefit. This is also evident in the results, as the company is slightly ahead of its planned growth trajectory.

Tiiu Köst
Store Manager at AS Selver

The team development training strengthened our team spirit. We left the training with a greater sense of unity. We understood that we are a strong, united collective, and we can solve all problems together. When necessary, we dare to ask for help and know how to motivate other employees. From time to time, it’s essential to recall the basics. The atmosphere at the training was friendly and direct. It broadened our perspectives on colleagues, their views, and understandings. The trainer was natural and cheerful, engaging everyone to participate and think along. We liked the joint activities and tasks where everyone could express their thoughts.

Vaido Valgur
Head of Telesales Department, Elisa Eesti AS

Team coaching with Jaanika is on another level.

Team coaching with Jaanika is on another level. If you go there with an open mind, ready to talk about everything directly, and willing to look in the mirror and acknowledge your areas for improvement, it is a very worthwhile undertaking.

The discussions are excellent, and it is possible to talk honestly about challenges. While everyday trivialities might be manageable on one’s own, team coaching is a great place to dissect larger, more fundamental topics.

Through this process, our team reached entirely new heights. This is reflected in mutual support, honest sharing of experiences, increased confidence, and better management of negative emotions.

Jaanika has a fantastic ability to notice details and guide the conversation in the necessary direction. She provides practical tools that can be used independently in the future. We collectively thank you for being our companion on this exciting journey, and our journey continues.

Do you want to create change in your team and management culture?

Unlock your full potential with personalized coaching. Let's collaborate to achieve your goals and create lasting changes.

How do I work?


The first meeting is always free. In this meeting, I explore and map your or your team’s needs, conditions, existing knowledge and experiences, possible areas for development, and opportunities to enhance capabilities. I always ask clients what they expect from the collaboration, what our goal and desired outcome will be, and what it will be like when we have completed the journey. We set possible metrics based on which we can review and measure the effectiveness of the collaboration. The purpose of the preliminary meeting is also to get to know each other and determine whether our “chemistry” matches and if I am indeed the right partner for this development journey.


Then, I make an initial content and price offer. If necessary, we refine, adjust, and target more precisely. We design the program to fit and remain flexible, as it is common for things to change along the journey, with new ideas and goals emerging that we can smoothly adjust in the program, change the order of topics if necessary, or replace them with significant new themes. We formalize personalized collaboration agreements and conditions. For more extensive and comprehensive programs, I involve excellent colleagues as needed if topics need to be added to my toolbox.


During planning, we carry out the agreed preliminary work associated with the specific order: interviews, questionnaires, set a schedule for the entire program, the client finds suitable rooms, dates are booked well in advance in employees’ calendars, and we clarify essential details to ensure the journey is successful.


Implementing is significantly more manageable because we have followed the old wisdom of “hard in training, easy in battle.” Now, we follow the path we have set together, communicate directly before meetings to clarify the situation and topics as needed, and possibly make intermediate summaries to see where we are, if we are on the right track, or if we need to change course or pace.

5Measure and celebrate

In measurement and feedback, we are committed to the expected outcomes and goals set at the beginning of the journey. According to the agreement, we conduct a feedback survey or a meeting with the team. Still, we always conclude the collaboration by meeting with the client to learn from the journey together and also celebrate the success.

hours of coaching

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between team training and team coaching?

The team’s training focuses on learning, consolidating, and practicing new knowledge and skills. The trainer’s role is to prepare the training materials and the theoretical part based on the topic and expectations, along with suitable tools and methodologies, to be given to the training participants so that they can practice and apply them in their work in the future.

Team coaching is a process where goals, topics, and questions are set by the team themselves, and by finding answers to them together. The role of the team coach is to create a confidential, non-judgmental space and environment, to use methodologies and questions for this, the team itself in an open dialogue would notice its obstacles, opportunities, and new resources to reach the goals and solve the set topics.

What are the prices for preliminary work, coaching, supervision, or development programs?

The first meeting with the customer is ALWAYS FREE. Based on this, it becomes clear how large-scale training or development is needed, whether my work methods and experiences are suitable for the manager and the team and whether I can be useful at all or not. There are situations where it turns out that the client needs very specific training, therapy, counseling, or the involvement of an expert, where my hands are short and I am happy to recommend my partners and contacts who can help here.

Sometimes one meeting, where the need is made clear, is enough to make a price quote, and in this case, the preliminary work does not cost anything.

With a long-term development program, where major changes or goals are to be introduced, preliminary work may include interviews with team members, preliminary surveys, mapping of needs and expectations, and sometimes also observations at team meetings or activities, and as a rule, these activities have their own established price, which can be specified during the mapping of the client’s needs.

Why do coaching and supervision take so long?

Coaching and supervision are long-term development and change processes, where changes do not happen overnight. For comparison, I bring dieting or going to the gym. It is not enough to just have a diet and exercise plan that is in a drawer and is taken out once a month – you need to change your habits, and behavior, raise awareness, and increase commitment and will to achieve your goals.

If between coaching and supervision meetings, the client does not deal with himself, his goals, and topics, then these services are of no use, and we try to measure this motivation and will at the first meeting and create clarity as to how ready the client is for this journey. Sometimes external obstacles also come in the way, which we have to take into account and adapt to if necessary, and also extend the cooperation.

What is a need-based development program?

The difference between the training package and the needs-based development program is that here I am very specific on the goals, needs, expectations, and desired changes of the manager, team, or organization.

Therefore, the rule “hard in training, easy in battle” applies here, i.e. the more precisely we can set the goal of the desired change together, find specific areas of development – is it the level of skills and knowledge, or do you need to change your activities and habitual behavior patterns instead, or is it a value space and attitudes, the better content we create.

Does the team need training for new knowledge, they are in a good place with knowledge, but rather is it necessary to train themselves to be more effective through coaching, or instead is it necessary to increase awareness and work with roles, values ​​, and attitudes in supervision because they affect the team and also work with clients.

How to measure the usefulness of the service?

It is difficult, especially if no comprehensive preliminary work has been done, needs and expectations have been mapped, and specific goals or agreements have been set for coaching, supervision, training, or a long-term development program.

It is difficult to link the usefulness of coaching, supervision, or development programs with the organization’s turnover numbers because these services are provided on average once a month for a few hours, but what happens in between is in the hands of the team itself.

We can measure well what has been measured immediately before during the program. That’s why we do various surveys or surveys in the team and then measure them again after they’re finished.

It is easy to measure operational results – if new ideas and solutions have been found during the service, which has been implemented on an ongoing basis – for example, processes have been adapted, new knowledge has been introduced or methodologies have been applied.

In some cases, we have linked the result and usefulness of the organization’s development program to the organization’s satisfaction survey – we took specific metrics from it, which were conducted in the organization immediately before the development program, and a new survey was conducted at the end of the program. Then we can compare whether there has been a positive change or not and analyze what caused it.

What are the conditions if there is a wish to cancel the service?

We negotiate all such conditions and agreements immediately before starting the coaching, supervision, or development program. What happens if scenarios a, b, c, and d happen and they are usually also described in my cooperation agreement and offer?

Life often brings changes – in the middle of the service, the manager or customer’s contact person changes, team conditions, opportunities, goals, and needs change, the organization needs to quickly adapt to changed conditions, etc. At this point, I always proceed from a personal approach, openness, and honesty to talk about things as they are, not to keep the topic under wraps, but to come immediately with my concerns and questions.

I have also made proposals to end cooperation if I see that I can no longer be useful to the manager, team, or organization.

Together, we will have final conversations and feedback on what and why things went the way they did, and we wish each other a bright future.

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