Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success!

What is a team?

A team is a group of people working towards common goals, with clearly defined roles, responsibilities, cooperative relationships, and goals.

The conditions for efficient and effective teamwork are the desire to reach the goal together and at the same time maintain good relations.

In Bruce Tuckman's theory, there are four main phases in the formation of a team. Fifth additional phases have been added in a new approach:

1. FORMING: Forming phase is characterized by greater dependence on the leader
2. STORMING: Stormy phase of change and conflict
3. NORMING: The phase of establishing rules and norms and separating from each other
4. PERFORMING: Acting based on cooperation
5. MOURNING: This happens naturally when a team project ends or some members leave.

Development cycles repeat and teams can go back to previous phases for various reasons, be it when activity drops and habits develop, a new member or leader joins the team, new goals, changes in the external environment, relationship conflicts, etc.

Like it or not, many teams do not work because the team consists of people who are unique with their different experiences, values, habits, fears, goals, and work principles.

Patrick Lencioni has outlined 5 different reasons why teams fail.

LACK OF TRUST because you don't dare to open yourself up or admit your mistakes, ask for help yourself, or offer it to others. It is assumed and inferred, not directly asked.
CONFLICT because one's opinion is not expressed, because one does not want to irritate others, one talks behind each other's back in the coffee corner, or there are no constructive arguments at meetings.
LOW COMMITMENT because there is a lack of clarity regarding the team's goals and priorities, deadlines are not met and things are not done or decisions cannot be made, constant doubting or redoing things.
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY is passive, because it puts an excessive burden on the team leader rather than the only source of discipline, mediocrity is encouraged and important decisions and agreements are not adhered to.
AVERAGE PERFORMANCE Because there has been stagnation and inability to grow, achievement-oriented employees have been lost or people are encouraged to focus on their career and personal goals.

How can I support the team

  • We map the state and needs of the team
  • We find out what change or goal we are going to solve with the team and what will happen if the result is achieved
  • We analyze the skills, behaviors, and activities of the team – we create clarity, what exactly needs to be done to achieve the goal?
  • We create a development and action plan to achieve the development goal set by the team
  • We develop, train, learn from experience, and analyze development results
  • Together we summarize the experience and celebrate the victories
To whom:
  • For managers, teams, and organizations who want to foster a good work environment, and create better relationships and collaboration to increase their team’s commitment, performance, and work joy!
  • A psychologically safe work environment has been created, where people dare to talk freely and openly about various topics
  • More effective conflict prevention and relationship maintenance
  • Continuously developing, learning, and solution-oriented team
  • More efficient work processes and time management
  • The team’s ability to work and cope increases
  • Increased involvement, taking and enabling personal responsibility
  • Both team performance and customer satisfaction have increased through better cooperation
The teamwork program can include different formats and methodologies:
  • Team building
  • Classroom training
  • Active training takes place in an external environment (at sea, by the fire, in an adventure park, hiking, etc.)
  • Team coaching and supervision
  • Learning from experience and acting in groups of accountability partners


Look at my training page

Time and Terms:
  • Free pre-meeting to map a more precise need, and goal, get to know each other, and explain the principles of cooperation
  • The duration, time frame, and price of cooperation depend on the volume, purpose, and need
  • Managers themselves actively participate in all processes related to the team and are aware that real results are achieved by managers and teams together outside the program

“As a leader, I realized that I don’t need to invent the bicycle alone, there is a huge resource in my team.”

“During the development journey, misunderstandings and the conflicts that come with it decreased.”

“Our meetings are no longer wasted time. They have become meaningful, engaging discussions where everyone thinks along and offers solutions.”

“I understood how other members of the team see things and think. It was interesting to listen to how others interpret their roles and responsibilities.”

“You don’t get nervous anymore when someone says things differently or behaves in a certain way. Mutual acceptance has grown and no one is offended by feedback.”

“We were able to communicate our values ​​and how we must act according to them in our daily work. Everyone walks together for common goals.”

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